Fabrizio Siviero

mail: fabrizio.siviero@polimi.it

Born in Rho in 1974, in 2000 he graduated in Physics at Universit Statale di Milano, where he also obtained a PhD in Physics in 2003 with a thesis on the synthesis and in situ characterization of carbon nanostructures with STM, Raman and electron spectroscopy. During the following three years he worked as a postdoc at CNR-Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie in Trento on the growth of thin films based on nanostructured titania and organic semiconductors for application in gas sensors and PV cells. From april 2007 to June 2008 he is a fellowship researcher at Politecnico di Milano where his activity is focused on the deposition of metallic nanoparticles of interest in catalysis. Since June 2008 he works at SAES getters.

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Micro and Nanostructured Materials Lab, Department of Energy Politecnico di Milano Via Ponzio 34/3 I-20133 Milan, Italy