Publications 2003 

  • C.E.Bottani, A. Li Bassi, M.G. Beghi, A. Podestà, P. Milani, A. Zakhidov, R. Baughman, D. A. Walters and R. E. Smalley
    Dynamic light scattering from acoustic modes in single-walled carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. B 67, 155407 (2003)
    Selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology
  • M. Pierno, C.S. Casari, R. Piazza, C.E. Bottani,
    Structural Evolution of Cristalline Polymer Latex Films: Propagating and Confined Acoustic Modes,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. vol.82, n.10, 1532 (2003)
  • C.S. Casari, A. Li Bassi and C.E. Bottani, E. Barborini, A. Podestà, P. Piseri and P. Milani,
    Brillouin light scattering investigation of cluster assembled carbon films: acoustic phonon propagation and elastic properties,
    Diamond and Related Materials 12 856-860 (2003)
  • A. Lamperti, P.M. Ossi
    Energetic condition for carbyne formation
    Chemical Physics Letters, 376(5-6) 662-665 (2003)
  • A.Li Bassi, M.G. Beghi, C.S. Casari, C.E. Bottani, A. Podestà, P.Milani, A. Zakhidov, R. Baughman, D.A. Walters, R.E. Smalley,
    Inelastic Light Scattering from Magnetically Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Estimate of their 2D Young Modulus,
    Diamond and Related Materials 12 806-810 (2003)
  • M. Adami, L. Guzman, B.Y. Man, A. Miotello and P.M. Ossi,
    Ion beam induced enhanced adhesion of films deposited on PTFE -
    Thin Sol. Films (2003)
  • C.E. Bottani, A. Lamperti, L. Nobili, P.M. Ossi,
    Structure and mechanical properties of PACVD fluorinated amorphous carbon films
    Thin Solid Films, 433, 149-154 (2003)
  • A. Lamperti, P.M. Ossi,
    Systematic study of amorphous hydrogenated and fluorinated carbon films,

    APPL. SURF. SCIENCE , Vol. 205, pp113-120 (2003)
  • P.M. Ossi,
    Structural changes induced by swift heavy ions in non-metallic compounds,

    Nucl. Instr. Meth. (2003)
  • M. Bonelli, C. Casiraghi, A. Miotello, P. Mosaner, P.M. Ossi,
    Pulsed laser deposition of diamondlike carbon films on polycarbonate,

    J. Appl. Phys. 93 p.859 (2003)
  • P.M. Ossi,
    Disordered Materials - An Introduction,
    Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 298, (2003)
  • M.G. Beghi, L.Luzzi,
    Thermophysical characterization of elastic solids: a novel application for the material testing machine,

    International Journal of Thermophysics, 24, 287-298 (2003)
  • M.G. Beghi, C.E.Bottani, A.C.Ferrari,
    Brillouin spectroscopy of amorphous carbon films,
    in S.R.P.Silva ed., Amorphous Carbon, IEE, UK (2003)
  • A. Libassi, B. K. Tanner, A.C. Ferrari,
    X-ray reflectivity from amorphous carbon
    in S.R.P.Silva ed., Amorphous Carbon, IEE, UK (2003)
  • G. Dai, F. Tassone, A. Li Bassi, C.E.Bottani and F. D' Amore
    Heavy metal element containing TeO2-based glasses for the discrete Raman fiber amplification
    Proceedings 29th European Conference on Optical Communications, pp. 352-353 (2003), Rimini 21-25 September 2003

Micro and Nanostructured Materials Lab, Department of Energy Politecnico di Milano Via Ponzio 34/3 I-20133 Milan, Italy